Non-Healing Leg or Foot Wound
Wounds in the legs or feet have many potential causes:
Venous Stasis Ulcer
These wounds usually develop in the lower leg, above the ankle. The wound depth is usually shallow, but can be deep. The wound oftentimes will have associated drainage or “weeping” of fluid. Stasis ulcers can occur in the setting of abnormal veins due to obstruction caused by blood clots or narrowing of the veins or from leaky valves within the veins, which increases the pressure within the veins (venous reflux disease).
Diabetic Pressure Ulcer
A common type of foot wound in patients with diabetes is related to abnormal pressure points on the skin and a lack of normal sensation that can lead to thick callus formation, and sometimes skin breakdown. If you don’t feel pain normally, you are more likely to develop a callus or a wound. “Pressure ulcers” will sometimes heal if the pressure is relieved; however, if the blood supply to the wound is not adequate, healing might not be possible, or it take a very long time.
Ischemic Ulcer or Gangrene
Arising from poor arterial circulation in the leg and foot, “Ischemic wounds” or areas of dying tissue – gangrene, are usually quite painful, especially when the foot is elevated while in bed. The pain might be relieved if the leg is dangled off the edge of the bed, or when the foot is on the floor, as gravity will pull blood down, bringing more oxygen into the tissues. For an ischemic wound to heal, the arterial blood supply must be improved to prevent extensive gangrene and potential limb loss.
This is one of the things we do best
Any wound that has not healed within 3-4 weeks is a real problem and needs serious medical attention. Minor surgery or catheter-based treatments might be indicated, and in some cases, open vascular surgery is required to restore enough blood flow to heal a wound. Dr. Hill can diagnose your problem and provide the best possible treatment to get you back on track to a healthy, enjoyable life.

Call Us to Make an Appointment
If you, or someone you love, is experiencing these symptoms, contact Dr. Hill.